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Like all small health facilities, Cedar Brook strives to balance the benefits of providing face-to-face clinical services to our clients and patients with the need to keep everyone as safe as possible as various societal health challenges, like the coronavirus pandemic, continue to arise.  We will adhere to local, state, federal and professional guidelines regarding social distancing, building occupancy, and hygiene practices.


At the present time, public-health restrictions have been relaxed.  Each of our clinicians may have specific requirements based on the unique characteristics of their individual practices and schedules.  They will let you know what these requirements are before you come into the office for the first time.    


If you have a fever or any other symptoms suggestive of viral infection, or if anyone in your household has a fever or similar symptoms, please do not come to Cedar Brook.  Let your clinician know, and appropriate alternatives will be offered.  


You are encouraged to make use of the hand sanitizers dispersed throughout the building.          


A final safety requirement: we insist that no one entering the Cedar Brook building bring in a weapon of any kind.  Please be aware that even if you have no intent to harm others, people seeing a weapon have a right to be fearful, which may have a negative impact on their mental health.


Cedar Brook would welcome your feedback on how to make your experience better.  We strongly believe in the wisdom of a “better safe than sorry” approach to whatever community health challenges may develop.


Thank you for your cooperation.   And please, everybody, stay well.

Posted and reviewed May 2023


Cedar Brook

4185 St. George Road

Williston VT 05495


Main telephone: (802) 879-5333

Fax: (802) 879-5335


© 2020 by Cedar Brook. 

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